Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Grant Your Self A Better Education For Less

I'm not going to college because I just can't afford it. How many times do we hear those words form worried high school juniors and seniors. It's no wonder they think like that when tuition fees have been rising anywhere between 2% to as much as 26%. Before we all get lost in the Doom and Gloom there is a lot of GOOD news out there, you just have to know where to find it.

There really is an endless amounts of grants, scholarships and loans (those should be your last avenue), there really is no way a student cannot afford to attend college. Most students will be able to meet the following qualifications for a Pell Grant, (financial need), you must be attending a 4-year university you cannot be an inmate at a federal prison. That may well sound crazy but if your child is in a local penal facilities, they can still receive a Pell Grant. Nonetheless, if you meet those requirements, you are also eligible for the Academic Competitiveness Grants and the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants.

You must as a high school student, actively participate in math, science, or a language. You can see the curriculum criteria by states at Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, says that the purpose of this program is to involve students in what she calls the global economy of today's world. Math, science and critical foreign language skills are the new currencies.

More than 500,000 students will be receiving these grants throughout the nation which amounts to more than $790 million dollars. The grant payments can be an additional $750 during freshman year; $1,300 during sophomore year; and up to $4,000 during junior and senior year. So lets do some math on the subject, if a student attends a public California university (say UCLA), the tuition fees would be somewhere around $7,000 for an in state student. If that student is granted the $4,000 by their last year, just from the SMART Grant, that leaves $3,000. Now subtract another $1,000 from the Pell Grant itself, and we are left with $2,000 left outstanding to be paid, thats $38.46 per week, not too much for an education.

For those students who have yet to apply for financial aid, visit or call for information on eligibility. And don't worry, these grants are not temporary. The grant amount is said to increase over the next five years.

Carl HamptonCelestyn Blog41106
Bunni Blog31937

How To Make Your Cheerleading Squad

Being on a cheerleading squad can be a fun and exciting experience, but making the team can be difficult. Many times talented girls are overlooked because they just arent prepared, but you can take some steps to get yourself noticed and give yourself a leg-up for getting on the team.

Before you even get started, find out what is required to be on the squad and make sure youre able to meet those requirements. Cheering can be expensive and time consuming. If you decide to stop after youve started, youll have wasted not only your own effort, but that of your parents, coaches and everyone else on the squad. Find out how much it will cost and what kind of a commitment it will take ahead of time. You also might want to consider getting a physical to see if youre able to do such demanding activities.

After youve decided you want to try out, you should first talk to coaches and others to find out exactly what is required, this includes deadlines and paperwork, along with specific skills youll need to know to make the team. This will not only make you breathe easier by knowing what to expect, youll also get your face out there so theyll know youre dedicated and up to the challenge. Once you get this information, learn what youll need to know. Watch old tapes (the cheer coach should have copies and will hopefully be impressed that you want to see them). Take initiative to learn the moves and cheers ahead of time. Research online. If you dont know what a move is, look it up or ask someone for help.

Once you know what you need to learn, you should get started on learning it. If you arent in shape, you need to get there. This means eating right and working out, but it also means developing the specific muscles and skills that will be needed to cheer. You should enroll in cheer, gymnastics, tumbling, or dance classes. You should also attend cheer camps if you can. You might even consider joining a different cheer squad. Many YMCAs and other similar organizations have cheer squads where you can learn the skills and get real experience.

Once you know the skills youll need and the cheers you need to learn (from the tapes, or from going to games and other cheer events), you should start practicing, A LOT. Tape yourself doing the moves, if need be, compare it to video tapes of current cheerleaders. Have friends or parents objectively observe you and tell you what they think needs work. This might feel weird, but if you cant cheer in front of them, youll have a harder time cheering in front of a big crowd.

Some people may advise you against it, but a good way to improve your chances of making the squad is by talking to a current cheerleader. You obviously want to talk to the cheerleader that you think is the nicest and most likely to help you, but picking a senior is also a good bet. Seniors are not only not going to be competing with you for a spot on the team, they also have invested 4 years and this specific squad and want to see that its headed in a good direction once they leave. Helping someone whos very dedicated is a good investment in helping the team to succeed in the future and many of them will be happy to help you. They know exactly what is expected and are likely to be honest and helpful to you. And, in some squads, they have input on who makes the team or not.

While you may think cheer skills are all you need to make the squad, theyre not. Like it or not, personal appearance matters. As a cheerleader, it is your responsibility to represent your school, and not just when youre cheering. You need to work on looking good and keeping up your personal appearance. Not only does it help people have a better opinion of you, it will also make you feel better to know you look good. And even if youre not the prettiest girl in the world, you can still look good. You can always look to see what the girls on the squad are wearing, or how they do their hair and make-up. You dont have to be a clone of them, just think of them as advisors. Theyve already got what you want, so theyre a good starting point.

Along with how you look, how you act matters too. Its important for a cheerleader to be able to present a positive attitude. You need to practice not only smiling, but also positive body posture. Sit up straight, hold your head high, look people in the eye, be confident. The most important part of making others think your right for the job is to act like you know youre right for the job.

If you follow these steps, youve definitely improved your chances of being on the cheer squad. Just remember when it comes to the tryouts not to be nervous. You should smile, look them in the eye and be confident. You worked hard to get on the team and you deserve to be there. If you do mess up, dont make a big deal out of it. If you just keep going and keep smiling, its much less obvious and easily overlooked. And if you dont make the squad, its not the end of the world. You should feel proud of yourself that you worked hard to accomplish something you wanted. And remember, theres always next year.

Kerri Stalton is a featured writer for for more tips on cheerleading, visit Blog67057
Annabela Blog72795

The New Educational Standard: Online Bachelor Degree

About 10 years ago a new wave of information was about to hit the world, and it would be called the World Wide Web, which would prove to change the educational world forever. After just a few months of the internet forming, educational institutions started to offer courses via the internet. As technology matured, so did the educational course offerings. After just a few short years the internet has become the place for online degrees. First it was the online associate's degree, and now it has become the online bachelor degree that has taken over as the online educational standard for those wanting to take college level courses online.

Many people had believed that earning an online bachelor degree was something that would never happen. The skeptics would say that the quality of the education, or the coveted campus experience would evaporate with online bachelor degree programs in place. This however did not turn out to be true. In fact there are many ways that the online colleges have exceeded expectations when it comes to quality. The online programs have continued to be a powerful and popular degree to earn.

Educational institutions are constantly seeking new sources of revenue to maintain what is often a very expensive educational cycle, and the online bachelor degree provides just the right financial boost these institutions so desperately need. The online bachelor degree allows universities to obtain more qualified students, for less cost than the school would pay for the same student to attend classes on campus. The program provides a unique source of revenue for the schools to take advantage, through a high rate of interest, and a low overhead cost associated with developing, and implementing the courses.

Most online bachelor degree programs are based around a self paced structure that allows the student to shoulder most of the burden of gaining an education, which in turn allows the school to profit from a program in ways never before seen. Online degree programs currently are in high demand, and thus the numbers of enrolled students goes up. Along with this the students are given a simple piece of software, typically on the internet that they use to access the class. Besides paying the instructor, whom acts more as a moderator in this format than an instructor, there are little other costs for an institution when it comes to the online bachelor degree. It is a very attractive circumstance for all that are involved.

With the overwhelming interest in online bachelor degree programs across the nation there is surely a feeling of growth when it comes to online courses, and the schools associated with them. There is simply too much profit to cut them, especially in an educational world where budget cuts seem to never end, and the cost of good faculty is consistently on the rise. For all of the above reasons it is the online bachelor degree that should guide the best schools financially into the next decade of online instruction. With the large amount of computer literate high school students, it is no wonder that many online bachelor degree programs are gearing up for their highest enrollment yet.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many online bachelor degree programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Ailee Blog45711
Aggy Blog50436

Olsons Fourth Bid To Represent The Tampa Schools

The Tampa schools are part of the Hillsborough County School Board, and Candy Olson has represented the south Tampa schools for 12 years. The nonpartisan District 2 covers the south Tampa schools and curves into part of southwest Hillsborough County. Olson has twice been chairman of the school board.

The 58-year-old mother of two has faced challengers only once during her three previous bids for her school board seat. This year she faces two challengers, who want to represent the south Tampa schools Logan Cobb, a 17-year-old high school senior, and Bart Birdsall, a middle school media specialist. According to the Tampa Tribune, neither challenger for the south Tampa schools has raised much capital or waged much of a campaign against Olson.

During the 12 years Olson has represented the south Tampa schools, she has seen the district grow by more than 50,000 students. It is now the nations ninth largest school district. She has helped decide hundreds of policies and personnel decisions, many of which affect the Tampa schools, and has seen the district managed by three different superintendents.

With a masters degree in business administration, Olsons pet peeve is to reduce the myriad of forms used by the district and the bureaucratic paperwork a goal that continues to elude her.

During her tenure, Olson pushed the district to develop a school choice plan to give parents more options, which was implemented in 2004. She fostered partnerships between local libraries and schools, including those in south Tampa schools area and the Natures Classroom, an outdoor classroom for science study. She has been supportive of teachers issues, speaking out or bucking popular thought, when necessary. Though she comes on strong at times, she admittedly has learned to hold her tongue from the dais, especially when someone makes (what she considers) a dumb comment to her.

Two issues are pending before the board for this school year. One is whether to add more religious holidays to the school calendar. The second, a more controversial issue, is whether to make a policy that restricts soda and unhealthy foods in schools. The district currently needs to renegotiate their PepsiCo contract; however, they would like more discussion on this issue before proceeding.

Olson believes the most important priorities for the board this year continues to be student achievement, growth and developing a plan to reach children of uninvolved parents.

Olson is a former director of finance and planning for the Drug Abuse Comprehensive Coordinating Office in Tampa and information officer for the Boston Mayors office. According to the Tribune, she has raised nearly $20,000 in reported campaign contributions and loans, mostly from lawyers, educators and current district administrators. She is endorsed by the Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Tampa schools visit Blog52762
Cathrine Blog22528

Take A Virgin Island Cruise

Sometimes called American Paradise the US Virgin Islands are not only full of white sandy beaches and blue water but green mountains and hills. This makes the islands a popular destination for vacationers. There are plenty of tourists during its peak season during November through May.

To get to the Virgin Islands one must fly or travel on boat. A number of Virgin Island cruises make their way to St Thomas or St. Croix. There are fewer ships reaching St Johns docks as it is the smallest of the Virgin Islands and therefore cant accommodate certain cruise ships. If you do want to reach its shores there are day trips that can be arranged. St John does not have an airport so you will have to make use of the ferries available on either St. Croix or St. Thomas.

Charlotte Amalie is the capital city of US Virgin Islands and it has the distinction of having the most frequented port of the Caribbean. This is where most cruise ships dock. There is plenty to do in this town such as taking meals at numerous restaurants, going to one of the many duty free shopping centers and or taking part in a variety of land or water sports.

Here are a few names that offer a cruise line going to the Virgin Islands:

Carnival Cruise lines, Princess Cruise Line, Caribbean Cruise Lines, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Costa Cruises, Radison Seven Seas Cruises, Sea Dream Yacht Club, Windstar cruises, Celebrity Cruises, and many others. The cruise ships have all the comforts and luxuries you can think of and come in many different sizes to accommodate anything from as little as six people or a lot more.

You can sail with your own yacht to the Virgin Islands. There are services available that can accommodate a range of vessel sizes for long and short term guests. And if you dont have a yacht you may charter one and all you will have to do is to get details like food and drinks organized.

To book your vacation cruise, the best source is the internet. There is the option of traveling on a day cruise but most find that time is not enough. With a Virgin Island cruise you are able to see more and take note of the other little islands as you go on your way.

Anne Morris writes articles about travel. Discover more information about travel at and Blog234
Andi Blog76348

Old Fashioned High Resolution Photo Camera

Tired of trying to keep updated with the highest mega pixel resolution digital camera? Well even if one has tried to do that, most certainly he will soon find out that his few months old digital camera is outdated in terms of mega pixel resolution. Its an ever changing kind of product that has become very hard to keep updated, unless one is willing to spend more money by making purchases every six to twelve months.

If the main intention of purchasing a photo camera is enlarging the image, then mega pixel resolution indeed will become the main factor. In this case one might consider a different option, which will keep his product updated for years to come. Im talking about a used 4x5" film photo camera, together with a high resolution flat bed film scanner. All of this for less than one thousand US dollars. With all of this, one will get over 100 mega pixels in fine detailed film resolution and fine scanned digital images that can be enlarged up to 30x40" in size with professional quality. These 4x5" film cameras have done a remarkable job in general personal and commercial photography such as wedding, portraiture, product, documentary, advertising and landscape for nearly a hundred years.

Where to find 4x5" used film cameras? Since some of these cameras were mostly used in the past, until the 1960s, it should be no problem in finding them in American auction web sites. Anyway, a good used 4x5" camera with lens can be found for less than four hundred US dollars.

As for the flat bed film scanner, one can find brand new ones for less than five hundred US dollars. Just make sure the scanner is able to scan films.

Whenever purchasing a 4x5" film camera, one should look for the following features: folds into a compact box, flexible bellows, lenses that can be easily interchanged, accepts sheet film, ground glass focusing screen, easily handheld and optical viewfinder accessory.

As for the lenses, there are four main categories: 1 - general purposes; 2 - wide field (mostly used for close up work and landscape); 3 extreme wide angles lenses; 4 special effects lenses (telephoto). However, one might use a general purpose 127 or 152mm lens for most of his photograph sessions. In cases where it requires special lenses, such as architecture or macro photography, one will still find lots of them available in auction sites. Used lenses for 4x5 cameras made after World War II have excellent performances comparable to todays modern lenses.

Whenever making a purchase of a 4x5" camera make sure that: 1 - the bellows have no light leaks, 2 the lens shutter works accurate at all speeds; 3 the lens elements have no fungus and scratches of any kind; 4 the focus is working properly between the ground glass and the film.

The option of using a 4x5" film camera, together with a flat bed film scanner, for enlarging images with professional quality is viable and accessible. Cheaper than top digital cameras, the 4x5" film camera offers better image quality and will always be updated in the future, maintaining its original value.

For those who wishes the very most detailed image enlargement, one can always use the 8x10" film camera. Four times the physical film size of the 4x5", this option offers so much film resolution that it is considered by many as the ultimate step for photo image enlargement.

Sometimes analog products deliver better results that its digital counterparts. If you are doing the job of enlarging photo images, you should give it a try with a 4x5" camera. You might just surprise yourself.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the authors name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant for Blog84388
Bathsheba Blog24769

Purchasing Office Supplies - What You Don't Know Can Be Expensive

For most companies, office supplies are not considered a top priority. As a result, the thankless task is often thrown upon an unsuspecting receptionist. Larger companies may have a purchasing agent but they too often lack the motivation to properly analyze this vital product category.

Granted office supplies is a rather mundane topic, but is there a smarter way to buy them? With over 25,000 items, it is a huge industry. Over the last 15 years it has been dominated by the mega national office supply companies. We all know who they are as they spend an enormous amount of money to market themselves with jingles, commercials, and flyer's effectively making sure we don't forget themand why not? The industry is valued at over $250 billion dollars.

At first, these behemoths dramatically lowered prices in a successful effort to eliminate many of the smaller "home grown" office supply companies. Most are now out of business. After the initial carnage, prices slowly began to rise and the transition towards internet ordering began in earnest. In 2005, commercial office supply ordering via the internet was a mere 5%. By 2010, the number is projected to balloon to 40%. Soon after, commercial internet ordering will dominate, as the days of a salesperson trekking through the office with a note pad and a box of donuts becomes obsolete. From a strict economic stand point, the overall price reduction did benefit the consumer while forever altering what was an old school business methodology.

Customers are now sufficiently spoiled to expect deliveries the next day. A hospital has two days to deliver a replacement heart in an ice chest, but in the office supply world, the need to deliver a tape dispenser the next day is all too real. This is now standard practice.

The inexperienced buyer will often look for lower prices through multiple catalogs or toggle through various websites in search of the best "deal". Perhaps saving an extra .30 on a box of file folders can be construed as a small victory by some, but it is incredibly inefficient. Often not calculated is the lost time and the expense in terms of wages for such an absurd exercise. Still, it's hard to get a buyer excited about office supplies and how they could be purchased more effectively.

Here's what the typical office supply purchaser may not realize. Generally, a company's operating budget is comprised of almost 97% labor expenses, 2% furniture and computer hardware, and only 1% general office supplies. Although it represents such a small fraction of the overall budget, because it is so high profile, office supplies are often the first things attacked during cost cutting efforts. Of course you need to make sure you're paying a fair price for the goods; but, even more importantly is ensuring that the procurement process is efficient. Addressing the labor associated with buying is in fact addressing the 97% of the cost rather than focusing only on the 1%.

Another change to affect commercial office supply transactions is the proliferation of corporate credit cards. Companies of all sizes now understand the ease associated with credit cards, the labor associated with paying via this method is significantly less, and if the right card is utilized, the company can earn valuable points from the card issuer. It simply makes sense.

So, if you are responsible for the thankless task of ordering the supplies for your company, know that effective buying is the result of efficient practices along with the actual cost of the product. You can have it all!

Thankfully there is a company created to assist the buyer with these inevitable trends. It offers a simple yet efficient ordering website designed to immediately produce the internet prices of both and It then automatically produces an instant discount from the lowest price. Now, buyers have proof of savings, and efficient ordering on one simple site. Welcome to Here the buyer is given the ultimate in control. Immediate price comparisons between two of the biggest office supply companies in the world are now yours. Moreover, we like to reward the buyers directly for managing this thankless task. See how it works here

Tommy Moore has been in the office products industry for 12 years and is the managing partner of To visit the site please go to Catha Blog39417
Celia Blog26522

Analytical Essay

Analytical essay writers have a particular goal in mind when they set out to write an essay. Being professionals and doing what they do best, places them in constant demand in the market. These writers deal with creating the best Analytical essay according to your specifications. When you place an order, no matter what topic it is on, you can be assured that you will have core aspects of analysis conducted in your essay.

An Analytical essay has particular characteristics that writers keep in mind. This helps to produce an essay that meets your requirements completely. Though each writer has his or her own style, you will have an essay prepared for you that is unique, along with it having its regular important components for each level. The extent of analysis in an Analytical essay will depend on the level you require it to meet. Writers may be experts for particular levels, while you may also get writers who are experts on more than one level.

Analytical essay requirements usually demand you to not only respond to what you may have learned in a lecture. You may need to analyze your responses and thoughts about the matter taught to you. In addition to this, Analytical essay writing requires you to make use of information around which your arguments can pivot. In other words, you need to have information in your essay that supports your claims.

In an Analytical essay, the way you use the information you collect counts a considerably. The claims and assumptions made with the information are observed carefully in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. To make use of information effectively, a step-by-step process is also followed. With this approach in an Analytical essay, arguments and assumptions made tend to flow better. However, it must be remembered that assumptions should not be carried too far. Whatever you present in your essay should be reasonable and based on the information you have collected.

Analytical essay writing may consist of a number of techniques. You may not need to apply all of them. However, many writers apply one in particular. They tend to take a topic apart in order to produce the best possible analysis. In an Analytical essay, this helps to examine the topic in an effective manner. Initially, you may need to write down points about your topic when you begin to examine it. You may even put these points down as one or two words. This may help to prompt your thoughts when you get down to writing the essay.

Analytical essay writing is not just about taking a topic apart and examining it. You need to produce coherent detail, and construct a body in which your arguments develop and flow. It would be helpful to have an outline according to which you can work. This would help to keep your developing ideas and arguments within the context of the topic, and it would also help to prevent intellectual wandering. With time and practice your Analytical essay writing skills will improve, and you will learn to work with the framework or outline you set for yourself.

Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at Term Papers writing.Alena Blog78488
Agna Blog22437

Private Practice Strategies: How to Develop Multiple Streams of Psychology Income

Mental health professionals have a wealth of valuable, even crucial, information and expertise in which many people are in need.

One-on-one therapy is only one way we can deliver this expertise and help.

There are a number of possible ways therapists can create revenue streams while sharing their talents, expertise and skills with people in need.

Some of these ways are traditional and common, but others are rather innovative ways therapists are beginning to put their abilities to good use. In doing so, they are creating revenue streams.

Traditional Services

Although its time for therapists to think out of the box and develop new services that creatively meet the felt needs of niche markets, there is a place for the traditional therapeutic services.

These include psychotherapy for the DSM diagnoses, psychological testing and evaluation, marriage and family therapy and behavioral health care.

And, yes, people will forgo managed-care reimbursement and pay out of pocket for services that are of higher value because they are higher quality, offer real privacy and are truly customized for the individual needs.

One of the frustrations I hear from mental health care service consumers is that they cant find a specialized therapist in their managed-care insurance network.

Its as if managed cares philosophy is, Well help you obtain access to psychotherapy, but we dont care whether the therapist we connect you with is a specialist. A generalist is fine.

Set yourself apart and demonstrate your true value in the marketplace through specialization. Many people in the market for therapy value specialization.

Getting Published

A book is a powerful way to affect lives. It is also a good way to establish credibility, highlight your practice and services and position yourself in your niche.

And, its easier than you think if you self-publish. It has become very affordable to do so, and it puts you in charge of the content, price and reprints.

It can actually be more profitable, too. You keep every dollar above your costs. If you went through a major publisher who sells a few thousand books, you would only receive the authors fee. You can make as much selling a few hundred copies of a self-published book yourself.

If your book is successful, you may even attract a large publisher to take over your book.

Writing a book opens doors to speaking engagements, media opportunities and a reputation in your niche market.

It also helps you to crystallize your thinking and enhances your effectiveness as a practitioner; its a great exercise in that sense. You will learn a lot both in breadth and depth.

Take the opportunity now to brainstorm ideas for a book thats inside you.

It doesnt have to be long. One hundred pages is plenty.


Teaching courses part-time at a local college or university can be an attractive stream of income.

I have been teaching as adjunct faculty in the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program at Widener University outside Philadelphia for several years and find it both rewarding and enjoyable.

Think about areas of special interest on which you could teach a course. Courses that adjunct faculty teach can be core curriculum in a graduate program, an undergraduate course or an elective.

I find that part-time professors who are practioners have a lot to offer because they are immersed in what they teach. Students seem to appreciate this as well.


E-books are another medium in which you can package and share specialized information.

And e-book is a written piece of information that is distributed via the internet electronically. It is offered free or for a cost (typically $10 to $30) on a web site.

You can also submit an e-book to web sites that list hundreds of e-books to make them available to the public.

Tens of thousands of e-books are downloaded each year, and are changing lives for the better.

Perhaps you can make yours one of them.

Do you have a solution to a specific problem or can you research the answers?

The best e-books share answers to a specific problem.

E-book topics I have heard of recently include: how to write a eulogy, how to cope with a hysterectomy and the topic of recovering from fibromyalgia.

These are e-books written by non-mental health professionals. Imagine what information psychotherapists can offer in this just-in-time format.

E-books cost very little to produce and nothing to distribute. You can attach the file for an e-book to an email or make it downloadable from a web site.

A great e-book is not long. Many of the best are 10 to 35 pages long.

E-books offer short answers to problems readers want to solve, and are available to people quickly.

Good e-books are specific and do not contain general information. The key to marketability is communicating your precise answer to a specific problem.


E-Courses are similar to e-books, but they may be lengthier and delivered to readers one segment at a time. As the name implies, these can be formatted as guided self-study programs.

E-courses allow for the content to be integrated over a specific period of time. Each lesson can be a simple article or more in-depth with guided self-study. Write between five and 10 lessons, and you have a good e-course.

Written by a professional, a good e-course can bridge the gap between a reader learning new information and the reader applying that information to his/her life and making a behavioral change.

Personal Coaching

In sports, coaching is important to help an athlete develop a winning strategy, develop skills and execute the plan. The coach knows how the athlete can progress and move forward. He/she urges the athlete to set high goals and provides motivation, support, focus and encouragement.

Over the past 10 years, the field of professional coaching in personal development and business arenas has grown tremendously.

What is coaching? Personal coaching is a one-on-one professional relationship in which a client is assisted in achieving a personal, business or career goal.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Although coaches sometimes assist people with challenges and problems of various kinds, they do not try to help people overcome problems related to diagnosable conditions as found in the DSM.

Rather, coaches assist well-functioning people to attain greater levels of achievement and satisfaction in their personal lives, businesses or careers.

While therapy is remedial and restorative, coaching is developmental and growth-oriented.

Therapy heals mental and emotional infirmities, while coaching helps healthy individuals achieve more or reach important goals.

Personal coaches work with clients on a wide range of issues, such as coping with a problem or crisis, focusing their efforts on achievement, making career transitions, living more fulfilled lives, achieving life goals and building better relationships.

Other coaches assist people with business development or managerial or leadership development. These coaches are called business coaches or executive coaches.

While coaching is not always based on psychology, it often is. And many of the skills a coach uses are the skills in which therapists are trained. So, there is considerable overlap between coaching and therapy.

This is why many psychologists, counselors and therapists have found coaching attractive and transitioned into coaching either entirely or as a part of their practice mix. I am one of them.
In many ways, therapists have an ideal background to be coaches. But the differences between coaching and therapy are significant and important to keep in mind.

Therapists can make great coaches because of their insights into human motivation and behavior, their understanding of human development and life transitions, their communication and relationship skill and their sense of professional ethics, knowledge base and experience in helping people.

Live Workshops, Retreats, Trainings

Presenting live events such as seminars, workshops, retreats and training programs can be a very lucrative stream of income.

And, it can be a powerful way to affect peoples lives.

The group setting allows learners to engage with your material and benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the group.

Live programs can also be an introduction to your other services. Brief programs, such as a lunch and learn, can be delivered for free as a solid marketing vehicle for your practice.

As a therapist, if you have developed and packaged your message into a program as recommended earlier, you have the makings of a great seminar or workshop.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Promoting a workshop or retreat is promoting your practice at the same time and may be psychologically easier to do.

Consider adding a post-training element to your program. It could be a follow-up mini-workshop, a series of workshops or one-on-one work.

You can leverage the energy of a live event in many ways for additional revenue streams.

And, it is likely that some participants will choose to work with you after the event is over.

You will want to casually present your other offerings at the event. You may make it easier for them by having a sign-up sheet.


A teleseminar (also called a teleclass) is a seminar held over the telephone, like a conference call.

The advantage of a teleseminar is the convenience. No one has to commute and the consumers dial to a bridge line at the specified time. No physical accommodations need be arranged; you only need to rent a telephone bridgeline.

Teleseminars can include people from all over the country, even internationally, at the same time.

Classes are typically 60 minutes long, but can vary. Often teleseminars are offered in a multi-class series.

Teleseminars are another way to offer your packaged content and introduce people to your services. Teleseminars can be offered for free to attract prospective clients and let them sample your services.

See for examples of what various professionals are offering. Or, do a search on Google for teleseminars or teleclasses. There are hundreds to browse and attend.

To get a better feel for how to conduct a teleseminar, attend some yourself.


The goal of this book is to help mental health practitioners build thriving managed-care free private practices.
One of the themes I hope I have conveyed is that psychology is not just for DSM diagnoses.
While we have discussed ways to market traditional services, diversification is important, as it increases the chances we can generate sufficient income to operate outside of managed care.
Multiple streams of psychotherapy income can be developed in ones practice.

When I decided to build a manage-care free practice, I gave considerable thought to how

I could provide private-pay services. I explored how I could use my skills in ways that people would readily pay.

Many psychologists and other mental health professionals are successful in consulting in the workplace for the benefit of employees and employers. Business consulting can be a very lucrative income stream.

Like many practitioners, I found my skills could be applied in the business arena. Today, through a business I started called Leadership Concepts, I offer services in the areas of business consulting, executive, business and career coaching and seminars and workshops for businesses. This has proven to be a solid and growing income stream for me, and it is work I really enjoy.

Other ways to diversify into consulting include behavioral medicine, forensics and sports psychology.

Consulting is a very broad and diverse area, so I wont scrape the surface of the possibilities here. But perhaps I can give you good directions for exploration.

If this area is new for you, you will be surprised to find out the many valuable ways our psychology and mental health expertise can be of benefit to people in the workplace.
Our background makes us capable of assisting businesses with many different barriers to productivity.

To familiarize yourself with this terrain, I suggest you do a Google search using the keywords business, consulting and psychologist and browse the web sites that come up.

Forensic Consulting

Another specific type of consulting is worth considering separately.

Forensic consulting has to do with psychological or mental health service specifically related to the court system.

Often times, a court has to deal with issues that impinge on mental health issues.

Some of these include:

Criminal cases
Competency to stand trial
Mental status at time of offense
Mitigating factors in offenses
Risk assessments, violence

Civil cases
Emotional damages in personal injuries
Assessments for malingering

Family cases and other
Child custody evaluations
Court-ordered psychological evaluations

In addition, attorneys often need help sorting out the issues when questions of a psychological nature occur in their cases. They retain psychologists and other experts to review files and help them prepare for depositions or cross-examination of experts.

Psychologists and other professionals can inform the court on issues, perform assessments and testify as experts.

Consultants in this area testifying as experts typically receive $1,000 to $2,000 for their testimony.

I find that this niche is an attractive one for several reasons:
It is completely managed-care free
It is interesting work
It makes good use of our background
It is lucrative
It is a specialized area that many professionals find intimidating,
which means less competition.

If you find this an interesting prospect as a part of your practice, then I encourage you to begin taking some training workshops to familiarize yourself with the terrain.

Web sites

Revenue streams can be active or passive. Therapy sessions, therapy groups, workshops and consulting services are all active forms of revenue streams. You exchange your time and skills for a fee.

Passive revenue is revenue from streams that do not involve service delivery, but once set up, occur automatically 24/7. A common form of passive revenue is income from products sold on a web site.

Can you see the advantages of passive revenue? Can therapists develop passive revenue streams? You bet!

Therapists can productize their most useful expertise and offer information products to benefit others.

Some of these we already looked at, like books, e-books and e-courses. These can all be offered on a web site for web seekers to obtain and utilize to fill their needs.

There are other possibilities as well, such as licensing programs.

As an example of a passive revenue web site effectively offering information products to a specific niche, see

Passive income streams utilizing the internet via web sites are a burgeoning area for many service professionals, but few mental health professionals are taking advantage of the potential so far.

This will be changing soon.

Active income streams can also be marketed on the internet.

Web sites can also be effectively used as a marketing tool for your fee-for-service practice. More and more therapists are putting up web sites and for good reasons.

A web site is your practice brochure, available any time, day or night, to seekers on the internet. People you meet, people who hear you give a presentation and people referred to you by another professional, can be directed to view your web site, find out more about you and, hopefully, be stimulated to contact you.

A simple, attractive, intriguing postcard sent to a mailing list can direct your niche market to your web site. Or, your yellow page ad in the phone book can include your web address.

A web site is much more than a brochure. It is also a potentially powerful marketing vehicle, when combined with internet marketing strategies.

If you decide to have a web site for your practice, or for a particular niche service, make it full of resources (articles and free information) that will attract people to it and make them want to spread the word.

Although beyond the scope of this article, internet marketing strategies can be developed to drive people to your web site.

Increasingly, people are beginning their search for products and services on the internet.

The yellow pages are not the first choice for many.

Are you effectively represented on the Internet?

Licensing Programs

After you have developed effective structured programs for your niches, you can license the use of these programs to other professionals.

Other therapists have been doing this for years. Psychologist Dr. Daniel Dana, a conflict resolution specialist, certifies mediators and licenses his program at

Another example can be found at, as we mentioned previously. Howard Glasser, M.A. offers a parenting approach and program, as well as other materials, for ADHD children. His program involves a book, a training program for parents and a training and certification program for therapists.

His program is called Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach.

One of my coaching clients is certified in this program and speaks highly of it.

Howard Glassers web site actually models several streams of income, including a book, workshops, training other professionals, licensing or certification and internet marketing for all the above including his practice.

These programs in a box are typically complete turnkey therapy, counseling or consulting programs that therapists can purchase. They are usually complete, including the structured program itself, instructor materials, workbooks and also include marketing pieces you can use to generate business.

For those of you who want to do niche marketing but prefer not to do the creating part, you may want to find out whether someone has developed a program you can utilize to serve your niche.

Someone may have done the work for you.

If you can find a program suitable for your niche market, you could be a few days away from having a marketable service in your repertoire.

Training Other Professionals

When you have developed an effective program, you can leverage it by training others in your approach and methods.

Innovators in therapy have been training others for years. If you develop a specialization, program or niche service in a growing area, you may find many other therapists would like to learn from you.

Sometimes the innovation is mainly in how a service is packaged.

You can train other professionals via live workshops, self-study program packages and teleseminars.

Diversification by developing a number of streams of psychotherapy income increases the chances you can create sustainable income and can be rewarding in other ways too.

William D. Morgan is a psychologist, author, and private practice business coach. He coaches human service professionals and others who want to build thriving practices. For more helpful information and tips, visit This is an excerpt from his NEW BOOK Today's Private Practice: Strategies for Building a Thriving Managed-Care Free Psychotherapy Practice, Blog26554
Camel Blog76521

Megaloud "Car Audio On Steriods"

Megaloud "Car Audio on Steroids"

The new car audio buzz, what is Megaloud and who is behind it? Simply put Megaloud is one mans dream to produce the best car audio products on the market and make them affordable to the average car audio enthusiast as well as the very competitive car audio competitor. The inventors name is Milt Nasiopoulos and he has been taking care of car audio enthusiast for decades at his well established store. Milts passion in car audio started way before he graduated as a electrical engineer from one of the finest colleges in the East Coast

As a teenager he had a love for music and an ear for quality. As a competitor he tried many different lines but was not satisfied and in his heart felt he had the ability and talent to build a car audio line that would please not only him but also many of his fellow car audio enthusiast. After many years of testing and blackboard trial and error he reached his goal. Megaloud was born. This is a very high end line that will surpass all expectations from his critics and set new standards in the car audio world.

Milts new regulated Megaloud Inferno Amplifiers are so well built built they are underrated by 15 percent at 13.8 volts. Add a few batteries and power up to14.4 volts and the amplifiers respond by pumping out another 15%. His 1200 watt 4 channel and two channels are some of the cleanest amplifiers on the market and respond to a new clarity with the addition of his new separate line. Speakers that are so affordable, yet so pleasing to the ear that you will think they are triple their cost. Subwoofers that have the quality of the high end lines that will make you proud to show off in front of your friends.

This Megaloud Inferno line has something for everyone. For the beginner who wants a clean sounding bass that wont set him back financially to the serious competitor who needs that little extra edge to put him in front of his peers.

Vincent CraineAilyn Blog9682
Amandie Blog55412

The Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa

When you hear Bora Bora, you immediately think of wonderful, native huts over a crystal clear lagoon and some of the most beautiful beaches and scenery in the world. Bora Bora has been called the most romantic island in the world, and for good reason. With two black rock peaks that dominate the skyline on one side and some of the most beautiful ocean views on the other, who wouldn't feel like the only two people on Earth while staying in your own private lagoon hut?

But, where do you stay on Bora Bora to find the best possible accommodations for you and your family? The Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa is the place to stay on the beautiful island. No matter what kind of room you want, you'll find it here. From over the water bungalows to beautiful rooms in the resort itself, there are the perfect accommodations for everyone here. There are over 40 bungalows that sit over the warm, tropical waters of the lagoon on Bora Bora, each with a private deck to enjoy the scenery or the sun, and each bungalow comes with a unique back-lit, glass coffee table where you can watch or feed the marine life that live below you. The rooms in the resort are nothing short of relaxing and wonderful either. There are guest rooms and suites that you can choose from when you stay at the Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa, and each room offers guests a private balcony, housekeeping service, telephones, satellite TV, radios, and many other amenities. You can also inquire about the private, two-bedroom villa that sits right on the beach.

The Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa offers guest some of the most beautiful rooms anywhere in the world, and it also offers some of the best activities in the world as well. You can take a swim in the beautiful tropical lagoon right outside your door, or you can take a dip in the freshwater pool that sits in the middle of the lush gardens. The pool is designed to help those who are learning to dive and snorkel before the hit the warm lagoon waters. You will also find diving and snorkeling lessons as well right at the resort. You can also find guided tours of the ocean waters in glass bottom boats, guided deep sea fishing, water skiing, boating, and many other water activities for the whole family to enjoy.

But water sports aren't the only things to do here at the Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa. You can enjoy their fitness center, which has the top of the line fitness and cardio equipment, from 6 am to 11 pm. You can also book a session with one of the personal trainers on staff to help you with their equipment or help you create a workout while you are staying at the resort. The resort also has tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball, as well as other sports that are offered at different times throughout the year. Be sure to check with the resort to see which sports are available when you book your stay.

Of course, no resort is complete without great food, and the Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa doesn't lack here either. You can enjoy meals from any of the three restaurants while staying here. There is formal dining, deck-side dining, indoor or outdoor dining, and a more laid-back atmosphere at the bar, where you can eat, drink, and dance the night away. There are also wonderful traditional Tahitian shows that you can enjoy with your dining experience each evening, so be sure to enjoy this treat while you are here.

There are also several activities that the resort can help you book with tours and guides around the island, such as circle island tours, rainforest tours, mountain safaris, and many others! Bora Bora has many wonderful cities and villages for you to visit, enjoy, and shop while you are staying here as well, so don't forget to enjoy some of the local flair. Bora Bora has it all, and when you book your stay at the Bora Bora Lagoon Resort and Spa, you will never want to head back home! provides information on all types of tropical vacations and Caribbean cruises. Reviews include Hawaii, the Caribbean, Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Southern Pacific, and many more travel destinations. Enroll for a free membership at their cruise forums and participate with other cruise vacation lovers. Whether you want a tropical vacation on a cruise or are looking for a secluded stay in a villa or resort on the island of your choice, we can help you. Just imagine yourself on a warm and sandy beach enjoying your favorite tropical drink.Bobbie Blog79833
Caritta Blog26493

San Antonio Schools Celebrate Successes and Create New Programs to Further Achievement

San Antonio Schools Creates Program to Prepare Freshman for Future Success

Beginning this school year, Ninth grade students in San Antonio Schools will have more resources in helping them gain success in academic studies, college, and future careers. In addition to their regular classes ninth grade students will be required to take Freshman Prep class. San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class helps students create a plan for the next four years and their future. The Freshman Prep class is intended to have students be prepared for college upon graduating from high school. The Freshman Prep class follows guidelines set by San Antonio Schools and the Texas High School Project District Initiative. Students will be expected to create and follow a standardized plan that features four core subjects each year and construct supplementary areas of interest or conduits from which students can select. The San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class includes instruction on note-taking, time management and teaches how to develop good study habits that students can use throughout their high school and college studies. The main goals that San Antonio Schools have for the program are: to increase the number of students who complete 9th grade, provide a more rigorous and balanced four year high school graduation, ensure that all graduates are college ready, offer students opportunities for individualized guidance from their counselors, encourage increased parental involvement, and aid 12th-graders obtain career-related scholarships. After the ninth grade the Freshman Prep class becomes the Career Pathways program that gives students guidance to graduation, college and careers.

San Antonio Schools Celebrate a Decade of Science and Mathematics Reform

San Antonio Schools San Antonio Urban Systemic Program is the main organization the has engaged in systemic reform within San Antonio Schools that has helped thousands of students achieve higher science and math scores. San Antonio Schools will recognize teachers that have worked in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program. The San Antonio School districts included in the program are Alamo Heights, East Central, Edgewood, Harlandale, Judson, North East, Northside, San Antonio, and South San Antonio. Other participants in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program are the University of Texas at San Antonio and the City of San Antonio.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has worked with the National Science Foundation to create more engaging and better quality student instruction over the last ten years. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has increased the use of math and science across the curriculum by improving students access to math and science resources, having better integration of technology, and professional development that gives the teachers the skills they need in order to bring science and mathematics into all classroom environments.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Programs goal for the San Antonio Schools to improve student achievement in mathematics, science, and the integration of instructional technology has succeeded. When San Antonio Schools students are compared to students in Texas, they score higher. The National Science Foundation has assisted the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program, not only, with financial funding but with and mathematics materials, teacher training, and technical assistance from mentor teachers and campus coaches. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has created a demanding curriculum using real-world applications of math and science that involves hands-on explorations.
Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Asia Blog59255
Berrie Blog60896

Antispyware Software Can Kill That Spy !

Antispyware programs and adware removal tools can detect and remove spyware ranging from browser parasites, data miners, to malware, adware, software you didn't ask for, homepage hijackers, Trojan horses to dialers, and also provide prevention measures.

The one way to get a severe headache is to have your computer infested with spyware and adware. But if you understand what spyware means and take the necessary steps to detect, remove and prevent it you can be free from this headache before it turns chronic.

Spyware can imply many things - it could be browser parasites, data miners, malware, adware, software you didn't ask for, homepage hijackers, Trojan horses, dialers etc. These thieves usually hit Microsoft Windows applications and Internet Explorer, since most people use them, leading to a system crash or some really strange behavior.

But how did spyware get into your system in the first place? If you visited a website or looked at an html email message or if you clicked a pop up window, you are 'it'. Your action would have automatically triggered off the download and installation of the spyware into your computer without your knowledge. Something you clicked would have been conveyed as 'I do' to the spyware vendor. After all, it cheats. This way of misleading you into getting that tracking software called spyware installed in your computer is referred to as a drive-by download. It is one of the commonest ways of tricking pc users to accept spyware if they do not have real-time antispyware protection installed.

Arresting The Damage With Antispyware

That spyware which sneaked into your computer can alter your browser and security settings. Some adware vendors just collect your browsing information so that they can bombard you with their product ads. Adware spyware usually tracks your Internet browsing actions in the machine where they install themselves. They then have a way of conveying the information they collect back to the people who installed the adware so they can use it for commercial gain. They use it themselves, or sell it to others. These people in turn assume what your interests are through the information they collect and display a barrage of ads through the computer where they install their adware.

Spyware vendors pay software vendors to bundle in their spyware software so that they can get into users system. Some spyware vendors get into your system through the low security settings in your Internet browser. For each spyware installation they mark it with a tracking number so that they can trace your information, helping them to update their database on an ongoing basis.

Antispyware has become an essential part of a computer just like antivirus software. The adware that installs itself in our systems without our approval usually come up as popup windows or sleazy banner advertisements integrated into some totally irrelevant program. Antispyware programs and adware removal tools can detect, remove and also provide prevention measures.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comBrunhilde Blog46917
Buffy Blog39067

Google Dreams If I Were the President and CEO of Google

To those who turn on their computers once a day to collect a few e-mails, Google is only a name that shows up a lot around the web. For the cyber crowd Google is a burgeoning, complex, impersonal entity that spells success or doom in a heartbeat. It is Caesar at the Coliseum with thumbs up or down.

Google is neither bad nor good it is only a vehicle and for the most part it does what it is supposed to do very well. To the average Joe it is a darned good search engine. To webmasters, online business enterprises and the like it is a morphing complex and ever changing behemoth whose every move must be carefully tracked studied and considered before making any decision to do with online commerce or any major form of web communications.

SEO (search engine optimization) has become the single most important body of knowledge in the cyber world, maybe even the whole world! This is the science of website promotion. The most basic elements are search engine rankings, keywords and advertising. Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines require pretty much the same things as Google in order to be successful but Google is the undisputed champ at the moment.

Google cannot be faulted for running its business like a business but as with so many other giants of industry the human element starts to disappear in almost equal and direct proportion to its own grandiosity.

More then ever warnings are trumpeted about the fatal errors involved in not following the Google guidelines for optimization. The wrong keywords, the wrong number of links, the wrong kind of tags and other elements of website promotion can spell sudden death to any site.

As a writer I have run up against a few of Googles potential shoot me downs. To my chagrin it is a software program that decides my fate and not a real person.

I publish articles all over the internet and by checking sites and data bases that host my articles I can ascertain that about two or three hundred thousand people have read my work and it is increasing daily. I gleefully submitted articles to any decent article base I could find. I always kept in mind that it was the message I was writing that was important to get out to as many people as possible. After all it is those people that are most important of all, I reasoned.

Now if my articles show up in too many places I can get the search engine axe. I cant deny that getting the articles out was always my primary goal. I have no product to sell and Im not hoping for fame but I still have to watch my step. I can readily understand that there are thousands of outfits that are driven by greed or malice and would ride on the backs of the search engines to any place they could. But I doubt that a robot or software program knows the difference between me and them.

I have often pondered what I would do about all this if I were the CEO of Google. The answer always seemed obvious. I wouldnt change the entire direction of Google but I would add something to insure that it could not lose its human element. I would create a department not as a mere appendage but as full blown arm of the company.

My department would be constantly searching for websites that show remarkable qualities. Sites with exceptionality would be chosen and become part of a feature known as Googles Choice. Great web design would be on the list but not limited to that. Real humans would search for not so great designs but with obvious fledgling intuitiveness and our department would offer and provide help to those sites to bring them up to the highest levels.

The department would seek out sites with important content. Sites that contribute to the entire web experience, to their particular area of concern or perhaps to the nation or the entire world at large.

No one would need to apply but rather we would apply ourselves to searching out and approaching these sites. We would develop them, contribute to them and promote them. Their success would be our reward and no more as long as their success was beneficial in some way to the entire web community.

Some mistakes would be made and it would require a willingness to experiment a bit but the rewards would be so great. The bad rap the internet gets now with all the porn and trash might at least be offset by such a truly humanitarian endeavor.

One of the most wildly successful books of the decade has been Rick Warrens, The Purpose Driven Life. It has been said that this book is not the most important book of the decade but behind it was promotional machinery that could have been equally as successful with a book about raising hogs. Just for the shear heck of it our new department would try to simulate this kind of success. Maybe we could take Marthas little home and family pics site and turn it into the most marvelous internet gallery online. Why climb that mountain, to borrow a phrase, because it is there.

The present internet legacy is a draw between a good international business platform and a river of scams, schemes and scum. The bottom line is that it would help an internet giant to make the internet itself a giant contributor to the world at large. If I were the CEO of Google the new Googles Choice would be the first order of business for me.

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books and now has articles online and in print being read in every quarter of the globe. Please enjoy a visit to Blog25954
Albina Blog46917

Orange Bowl Tickets Are For More Than Just A Football Game

Orange Bowl tickets offer football fans and travelers several options. Not only is the Orange Bowl one of the premier college bowl games every January, but the game itself is located in one of the most exotic travel destinations in the United States - Miami and South Florida. Fans and families alike have worked their vacation and/or travel plans around this game, and a look at its history and other attractions will explain why the Orange Bowl is always worth the effort to see.

Game History

The first Orange Bowl was played in 1935, when Bucknell defeated Miami 26-0. For 33 years, the Orange Bowl was basically an at-large bowl game, in that the bowl committee chose the best two teams it could attract. However, the Orange Bowl started its history of tie-ins in 1968 when it began to host the champion of the former Big 8 Conference every season.

This tie-in remained in place until the late-1990s, when two things happened that change the landscape of the participants. The first was the formation of the Big 12 Conference, as the Big 8 basically added four teams from Texas after the now-defunct Southwestern Conference folded. This may or may not have had a direct effect on the teams invited, but another event in 1998 led to a shift in the games participants.

In 1998, the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) was formed, and this changed the alignment for all of the major bowl games - the Orange Bowl, the Sugar Bowl, the Fiesta Bowl and ultimately the Rose Bowl. A system was put in place to manufacture an on-field championship game between the two top-ranked teams every season, and each of the four new BCS Bowls agreed to host the new national championship game on a rotating basis. Therefore, every four years, Orange Bowl tickets give fans the chance to watch the national championship decided on the field. As of now, when the Orange Bowl is not hosting the big game, they will host the ACC champion after that conferences recent additions.

Overall Event

The Orange Bowl is much more than a football game. In fact, the game itself is a culmination of a week-long celebration in Miami. There are parades, parties, receptions, and even a high-profile college basketball tournament called the Orange Bowl Classic. This years tournament will feature national champion Florida, and the games are played in town.

Not to mention, there is an event even within the game itself thats as famous as the football battles that take place - the Orange Bowl halftime show is perhaps the most famous halftime performance in all of sports, and every year presents a new and intriguing theme with stars of music, sports and film making appearances. There are many attendees who are at the game specifically for the halftime show.

Overall, the Orange Bowl is a legendary event. The games are always battles between two highly-ranked teams, and several national championships have been decided in Miami. However, Orange Bowl tickets also give fans the chance to see much more than college football under the Florida sun in January.

Written by Jay Nault, sponsored by . StubHub sells Orange Bowl tickets: sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and more to just about any event in the world.Camila Blog14523
Brynn Blog43851

Consider a Career as a Paralegal The Various Positions and Education Needed

A career as a paralegal is definitely worthy of consideration. Young ladies and gentlemen soon entering the job market are wise to select paths of opportunity and advancement. Becoming a paralegal fits the bill in many ways.

Wherever there are people, laws are necessary to settle disputes and protect against crime. There are many areas of law in which paralegals can work, including corporate, estate planning, tax, bankruptcy, family and domestic, criminal, environmental protection, personal injury, civil litigation, trademark, international, intellectual property, and real estate. All these areas of law create a variety of work areas, and an abundance of learning opportunity. Taking advantage of learning opportunities creates more earning opportunities.

The U.S. Department Labor reports that paralegal careers are on the rise, and expected to grow much faster than average for all occupations through the year 2014. The median for paralegal salaries range between $31,040 and $49,950. In bigger metropolitan areas, large law firms pay upwards of $60,000. Many paralegals receive bonuses. Benefits for these positions tend to be attractively competitive.

The educational and work experience requirements for paralegal positions vary depending on employer and position requirements. These days, a four-year degree is highly advisable in general. Employers often consider applicants with a bachelors degree and no work experience.

A four-year degree is not necessarily required for all paralegal positions. Another applicant with a two-year degree and more specialized concentration in paralegal studies and no work experience may be equally considered. Many employers also consider the work experience of legal assistants or secretaries who have had no college training.

Online degrees are gaining popularity and are being considered positively by employers. There are several online courses designed for paralegal training. People can earn online degrees while working full-time in the convenience of their own schedules at home. Such flexibility of training makes learning easier, and opens doors for paralegal job opportunities.

There are several other steps one can take to prepare for a career as a paralegal. Many of these steps are surprisingly easy, and will open interview doors wider. I will discuss the steps in other articles soon.

In addition to various opportunities and advancement, positions as a skilled paralegal can maintain one happily through their entire work career, yet has the flexibility of being a stepping stone into other positions. Such other positions, to name a few, could be in law enforcement, becoming an attorney, or working in top level positions of other businesses, like becoming a successful realtor. Consider a career as a paralegal, it just might be right up your alley.

Laura McDonald is a paralegal. She is a member of NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations). Laura is experienced in the areas of personal injury, civil litigation, family, environmental and corporate law, estate planning and bankruptcy. She works for Michael L. Hawkins & Associates, P.L.L.C., located in Frankfort, Kentucky. The firm's website is http://www.mlhlawky.comBellanca Blog91878
Bethina Blog60498

What is Cyberstalking?

Protection from Cyberstalking

Computers and the Internet are becoming indispensable parts of America's culture, and cyberstalking is a growing threat.

What is Cyberstalking? Cyberstalking can be defined as threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed at another using the Internet and other forms of online and computer communications. Cyberstalking occurs when electronic mediums such as the Internet are used to pursue, harass or contact another in an unsolicited fashion. Internet CyberStalking is used to slander and endanger victims, taking on a public rather than private dimension.

Cyberstalking is the term used to describe stalking behavior undertaken by way of computer. Although no universal definition exists, cyberstalking occurs when an individual or group uses the Internet to stalk or harass another. Essentially cyberstalking is the act of stalking using the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communication devices. Everyone who receives e-mail or uses the Internet is susceptible to cyberstalking.

In order to address cyberstalking, it is critical to understand stalking in general. The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is less threatening or dangerous than physical stalking. In many cases, cyberstalking is simply another phase in an overall stalking pattern, or it is regular stalking behavior using new technological tools. Essentially, cyberstalking is an extension of the physical form of stalking.

The anonymity of online interaction reduces the chance of identification and makes cyberstalking more common than physical stalking. The ease of use and non-confrontational, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous nature of Internet communications may remove disincentives to cyberstalking. Although cyberstalking might seem relatively harmless, it can cause victims psychological and emotional harm, and occasionally leads to actual stalking. More disturbingly, pornographers and pedophiles have begun to use cyberstalking as a way of locating new victims.

It is commonly assumed that cyberstalking is not as serious or harmful as real world stalking. It is true that cyberstalking bears little physical resemblance to traditional stalking methods such as following and loitering.

Cyberstalking is a relatively new phenomenon. The stream of data is sketchy, but some insights into cyberstalking trends are emerging. As with regular stalking, cyberstalking often begins when you attempt to break off a relationship. Anecdotal evidence from law enforcement agencies indicates that cyberstalking is a serious, and growing problem.

While cyberstalking has become a worldwide problem, most cases originate in the United States, making Americans the most vulnerable group of targets. It is estimated that there may potentially be tens or even hundreds of thousands of cyberstalking victims in the United States. A common area regarding cyberstalking is at the "edu" sites, which are educational institutes, such as colleges and universities. While, historically, cyberstalking has mostly been men stalking women, the reverse is happening more often as well.

In many instances, cyberstalking is simply another phase in an overall stalking pattern, or it is regular stalking behavior using new, high-technology tools. Keep a record of contact made (in relation to the cyberstalking event) with website administrators, victim support organizations and law enforcement personnel. Often, cyberstalking ventures offline and the cyberstalker may attempt to track down the victim physically. These things are important because online cyberstalking and bullying is increasing, and further, is grossly underreported.

By the use of new technology and equipment which cannot be policed by traditional methods, cyberstalking has replaced traditional methods of stalking and harassment. The investigation of cyberstalking and other computer crimes can be complex. The lack of adequate statutory authority also can limit law enforcement's response to cyberstalking incidents. Out-of-date and missing account, subscriber, and user information, as well as anonymizing tools, presented problems for law enforcement during cyberstalking investigations.

Copyright 2006 Francesca Black

Francesca Black develops educational material for and a top resource for locating security related RSS feeds.Anjanette Blog84074
Bertha Blog39159

Subaru Performance Transmission Upgrades

There is probably a transmission shop in almost every town in the country that can build a bulletproof transmission for American made vehicles. Whether it is a late model Mustang or a 60s Chevelle, there are lots of aftermarket components and many years of technology available for the transmission rebuilder to utilize.

The same cannot be said for the 4EAT automatic transmissions found in Subaru vehicles. In factory form, these transmissions demonstrate several problem areas that can cause failure in as little as 20,000 miles with a stock engine and even sooner in modified applications.

Poor shift quality, anemic factory components, and above all, improperly configured torque converters plague the automatic transmission equipped vehicle. This is in conjunction with the automatics propensity to burn out the high clutch pack (third gear) and the 2-4 clutches (second and fourth gear) with even moderate increases in engine output.

Realizing the need to take import and sport compact automatics to their fullest potential, IPT Performance Transmissions- a New Jersey based company, committed a large portion of their research time and dollars toward improving the Subaru automatic transmission.

First up on the hit parade of internal modifications is the need to address the issue of valve body calibration. The valve body mods are really the foundation of any performance trans rebuild. An automatic transmission utilizes a network of valves, servos, solenoids, orifices, accumulators and passages that control and route hydraulic pressure to the appropriate places to apply the clutches and bands.

Without going into elaborate detail which would fall outside the scope of this article, suffice it to say that modifying the valve body effectively changes the rate of clutch apply and also increases the clamping force with which these components have to work with. This is why shift kits and modified valve bodies produce that firm, performance type shift that increases the transmission's overall capacity for power handling.

Next, all critical support bushings need to be replaced to insure that the centerline of the transmission runs in perfect alignment with the centerline of the crankshaft. Ignoring this step puts a lot of undue stress on the internal transmission components.

Many of the other parts also such as the pinion shaft, the front differential ring gear and the planetary gearset undergo various metallurgical processes such as heat treating, Meta-Lax stress relieving, and cryogenic treatment (freezing them in liquid nitrogen at -300 degrees Fahrenheit to 'reset' the part's structure on the molecular level).

Lastly, all of the required seals and gaskets are changed to materials that are better able to cope with the heat and stress that is common in high powered applications. Performance clutches and steel reaction plates are installed and their clearances set to much more exacting specifications than those that are used by the factory. Most importantly, IPT utilizes a proprietary six disk high clutch pack and a five disk 2-4 clutch pack which increases the second, third, and fourth gear torque capacity by over 25% versus the factory set up- this is the key to getting a high powered vehicle make a 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 shift instead of just bouncing off the rev limiter.

As for the modifications outside of the gearbox, the next thing of importance is of course the torque converter. In an automatic equipped vehicle, one of the most important components in the entire car in regards to optimizing performance is a correctly configured converter.

In addition to being made with many strength improvements over the factory piece, a performance converter enables a vehicle to better take advantage of the RPM range at which maximum power is made. In simple terms, a properly designed converter will allow a vehicle to launch under more power by increasing the rpm at which the launch takes place. In essence, a torque converter is an infinitely variable transmission in and of itself, and altering its torque multiplying characteristics becomes absolutely necessary when other variables in the vehicle are changed (bigger turbos and bigger cams).

Even in otherwise stock turbocharged Subaru vehicles, ET reductions of over one full second are not at all uncommon with the addition of a properly configured converter.

Transmission, torque converter and valve body upgrades are not only for American made vehicles anymore. Increased performance, durability and more efficient shifting is now available for the vehicles of almost every manufacturer- thanks in part to the few companies that are willing to do the research and development work required for this rapidly growing segment of the automotive aftermarket.

For more information, please follow this link:

-John Lombardo, IPT Performance Transmissions

John Lombardo, a.k.a. Transdude, is owner of IPT Performance Transmissions and has been in the transmission and high performance industry for over 20 years. Visit his website- for more drivetrain information articles.Arlette Blog76454
Amanda Blog6249

Choose The Right Operating System

Shared or virtual hosting can be availed on UNIX or Windows platform.

The difference between Window Servers and UNIX operating systems.

Windows Servers:

Windows Servers are developed to accommodate advanced Microsoft applications.

They also integrate back office offerings such as FrontPage, Access and MS SQL and offer specific programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, and Cold Fusion, which mainly link database applications to the Web.

They are accessible through GUI-based remote administration packages such as PCA anywhere or through a customized control panel.

These packages allow you to log into the servers desktop as chief administrator only if you have complete control over the server.

Windows hosting is a great alternative for shared and dedicated servers. .NET technology manages and multiplexes Windows servers quite easily.

Windows is also an exceptional operating system to use if you intend to run your own dedicated server.

Windows servers guarantees support, security and integration for the Microsoft family of products. It is advisable to use Windows hosting to link a Microsoft-based service to their Internet hosting requirements.

However, Windows hosting, is complex and labor-intensive and can be used if the webmaster has in-depth experience in maintaining Windows systems. In case the webmaster lacks experience they can choose the UNIX platform.

UNIX platform:

UNIX platform is specially designed to accommodate heavy Web traffic and server loads. UNIX servers are known to host multiple sites and serve out gigabytes of traffic.

The UNIX platform is favored by most webmasters due to their technical advantages.

UNIX servers provide a wider degree of flexibility due to their shell environment. Shell environments are interactive, text-based systems that allow webmasters to interact and customize their services in real-time from any computer system worldwide.

UNIX system can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet without special or expensive software.

UNIX platform is preferred because of its uptime. UNIX systems with heavy traffic can provide 99 per cent uptime. Windows servers cannot provide good uptime unless specially configured. For this reason, average webmasters should select UNIX as their OS.

For a beginner it is always suitable to use a UNIX hosting system rather then Windows as UNIX has more advantage over Windows as explained above.

This article has been compiled by the content development team at Pegasus InfoCorp which pulls subject matter specialists from different work domains. They can be contacted through the Pegasus InfoCorp website at Pegasus InfoCorp is an India based web design, web development and online/offline software development company. Please visit to read more articles and know more about us!

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Pegasus InfoCorp (P) Limited ( was formed with a single powerful belief among its two founders that the Internet could enhance and transform businesses in an amazing way. This belief continues to drive us towards our mission of helping discover and implement the best online strategy for businesses, institutions and professionals.Bebe Blog75406
Carol Blog65990

Success University - The New Wave Of Online Education

Many of us have spent our lives and fortunes chasing after the dream. That dream seems elusive at times and we wonder if we made the right decisions and are we meeting our goals. We dream of not having to worry about money. That is the bottom line. We are taught at a very young age that to reach that dream we need a good education. We choose a career and go into debt to get it if we are not so fortunate as some. We gauge our success by the amount of our paycheck, noticing that a lot of it goes back out in the form of benefits, retirement, and taxes. The rest goes into paying for housing, food, cars, and family expenses if you have one. Not a lot left over, huh? Having spent thirty years climbing the mountain of dreams, you realize that your dream has turned into a dud. Something is missing and you are not sure what it is. If you do not have the time or the resources to investigate this problem, go online to Success University where you can find the answers to life, money and love in your spare time.

The news is out, Stone Evans from the Plug In Profit Site is telling everyone that joining Success University is going to be part of his program in the near future. That means that either he is going to lose quite a few affiliates because of the extra expense, or he is going to make a wind-fall profit because everyone joining this program. His history would suggest the second option. With a two dollar entry fee, anyone would join in a cause that they believe in. Where does this belief come from and where can you find it? Have you ever been to a motivational seminar where either you or your company spent over a thousand dollars for you to attend?

Success University offers the chance to view online seminars for a fraction of the cost. You no longer have to stay in a hotel or travel to enjoy the benefits of this kind of training. The only disadvantage is that you miss out on the interactive aspects of going to a seminar. You don't get to ask any questions. That is ok, there is plenty more to benefit from.

The online education courses Success University Offers are quick and easy to complete. The program is achievement based and requires fifty one credits for scholar certification. Fifty percent of these credits need to be in the form of achievement courses, the other fifty percent can come in the form of electives. It is designed to suit your personality and needs. Each module has a quiz at the end of it, so paying attention is important.

The ciriculum is varied and includes topics on health, leadership, salesmanship, network marketing, and motivation. Wait a minute, no math, history, english, or social studies? Success University is not a traditional educational institution. It is the new wave of online education that teaches you how to think positively, how to live well, and yes how to make money online while you learn. It is an affiliate program.

It is an affiliate program with some big gun instructors and with multiple years of experience in the practice of success skills in their fields. You do not see these kinds of instructors in the traditional college or university classroom. They are internet pioneers. For one of the greatest examples of the kind of resources available at Success University, look up Brian Tracy in Google. He is legitamate, powerful and all over the internet.

Success University is affordable considering what it would cost to see these professionals by going to their seminars. The training you will receive will be unlike anything you have experienced in the traditional classroom. What you will learn can be applied to almost any job, career or even life's situations. It is the missing aspect in anyone's educational dream, The spark that says "I have a future".

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, Put the spark back into your education online at Blog61723
Bride Blog43895

Create The Hair Of Your Dreams

One of the most important appearance elements of our image is our hair. Surrounding our face, hair grow from short to long and need our constant attention in order to help us look out best. Whether you are a man or a woman, the health of your hair has been drawn other people's attention and has made you feel proud of your overall looks; at least from time to time.

But, with a million of different hairstyles out there, people always end up confused at their hairstylist's chair, looking stressed on the next feature they will add to their hairstyle. Short, curly, long, wavy, frizzy, layered, or braided, hairstyles can alter our mood and our confidence levels. This part of our looks can become as distinctive as we want and represent our mood, our views, or the way we think for ourselves.

Believe it or not, a hairstyle can help to accentuate or draw away attention from certain facial characteristics. Depending on our face's bone structure, the right type of haircut can illustrate our best features and help us feel confident with our looks. For example, when a face is too round hairstylists will probably advice the customer to put a side part in the hair in order to lengthen the image of the face. For thin faces, curls or fullness at the sides will create the necessary illusion. If a nose is proportionately larger than the rest of the face's characteristics, a full hairstyle or upswept crown will make the nose less noticeable. If the problem is that of a high forehead, a horizontal line of full bangs can cover the "extra" forehead and thus balancing the face.

But apart from having the proper hairstyle, it is essential to take good care of the hair so as to continue enjoying their glow and improve their texture. Smoke, air-conditioning, heaters, extra moisture, or dry climates, can all damage the way hair behaves and reduce their overall quality. Thus, maintaining a healthy-looking hairstyle is important and not that difficult after all. One needs only to know what to do and it is easy to create the hairstyle of his or her dreams.

First of all, look for essential oils, herbs and vegetable oils in your hair care products. Essential oils such as rosemary, ylang-ylang and West Indian bay stimulate hair growth. Lavender and tea tree and naturally antiseptic and help to fight dandruff. Vegetable oils such as soybean oil, safflower oil and corn oil are moisturizing and conditioning. Try to avoid shampoos that contain sodium laurel sulfate, or sodium laureth sulfate, as these chemicals are synthetic detergents that are used in dishwashing liquid and other cleansers. They are valued because they lather well, but they are very harsh and can dry out your hair. Shampoos with decyl glucose, or decyl glucoside, are much gentler to your hair and scalp. From time to time, give yourself a warm oil treatment to deep condition your hair.

The heated oil penetrates the hair shaft making it more flexible and adding shine; this technique can also help dry and long hair from developing spit ends. Remember to eat right and receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals that will help your hair grow and be conditioned. Vitamin E, B and C are essential for good quality hair. Furthermore, those with extra curly hair have to avoid brushing them. A wide toothed comb or your own fingers can do the work. In addition, avoid sleeping while wearing your hair accessories, as this can lead to hair damage. While shampooing your hair, remember to massage your scalp, as this increases the blood circulation in the area and helps hair grow faster. Finally, every six to eight weeks remember to give your hair a trim and get rid of those ugly looking damaged ends.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog52355
Celina Blog98673

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